Orchestral Music Survey
The purpose of this survey is to test for underlying patterns with those who enjoy classical music/go to orchestral concerts and those who don't.  In addition, there are several questions regarding how performances could be different (ranging from etiquette to repertoire), which could theoretically be used to make programming decisions.

Thanks in advance for filling this out.
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What is your age? *
What is your sex? *
Which region do you live in? *
What is your ethnicity? *
Do you listen to classical music often? *
How often do you go to orchestra concerts? *
What is your favorite genre of music? *
Please don't use the "other" category unless none of the below descriptions accurately describes your favorite genre.
What is your second most favorite genre of music? *
Please don't use the "other" category unless none of the below descriptions accurately describes your favorite genre.  Please don't repeat your answer to the previous question.
Which of the following words would you use to describe music you listen to? *
Which of the following words would you use to describe classical music? *
If your favorite genre is classical music, answer this question about classical music in general (which may or may not be the same as answers to the previous part).
If you saw a program for an orchestra concert, would the following names make you more or less likely to attend? *
You do not have to be familiar with these names to answer this question.
Less likely
No effect
More likely
J.S. Bach
Leonard Bernstein
Phillip Glass
John Williams
Steve Reich
Are you familiar with at least 10 of the composers on the above list? *
Did you play a musical instrument in a school band/orchestra during high school? *
How much would you be willing to pay for an orchestra concert? *
Provided you had any interest in it going.
How would the following affect your interest in attending a concert? *
I would almost certainly avoid the concert because of this
Decrease interest
No effect/Depends on occasion
Increase interest
I would almost certainly go to the concert because of this
Video game music is going to be played
Orchestral versions of popular music will be played
Eating and drinking are allowed
Formal wear is not required
Music is mostly shorter, more exciting pieces
You knew friends who were also going
Non-popular music from the 21st century is going to be played
The percussion section is featured more
Advertising for the concert targets a younger audience
The "mood" of the concert was advertised beforehand (e.g. "exciting" pieces or "dark" pieces)
Pre-concert lectures talking about the music to be played.
It was a wind ensemble/band performance (mostly wind & percussion instruments)
Which instrument (section) do you like seeing featured the most? *
In orchestras of any size
How do you usually hear about concerts that you go to? *
Any concert.
Do you have any bad experiences with classical music and/or its community?  If so, please describe them in detail.
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