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          IHS Student Parking Application 2024-2025
Please complete this form if you would like to be considered for a parking spot. YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE BELOW ITEMS! If you don't have a license, don't fill this out!

In order to be issued a spot for the upcoming 24-25 school year, students must:

1. Complete an Alive at 25 course.
2. Agree to this Student parking agreement by e signing below.
3. Obtain a valid drivers license.
4. Pay all school fees and debt.
5. Pay the $50.00 parking pass fee.
6. Pick up your pass on or after schedule pickup.

*If you have already completed Alive at 25, then you do not need to re-take it.  

 Please email Mr. Bryan ( with any questions/concerns.
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Email *
 Last Name, First Name (Student) *
Driver's License Number (Student) *
Provide completion date of Alive at 25 safety course *
2024-2025 Grade Level *
Car #1   License Plate *
Car #1 Description- Year, Color, Make, and Model (FORMAT: 2019 Red Nissan Altima) *
Car #2  License Plate
Car #2 Description - - Year, Color, Make, and Model (FORMAT: 2019 Blue Ford Escape)
                            STUDENT PARKING AGREEMENT 
  1. Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right.
  2. The school district retains authority to conduct routine searches of the exterior of student vehicles parked on school property at any time.
  3. The school district retains authority to conduct searches of the interior of student vehicles whenever a  school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that a student has violated board policies, school  rules or state law.  
  4.  If a student fails to provide access to the interior of their vehicle upon request by a school official, the student will be subject to school disciplinary action, including loss of all parking privileges.
  5. If a student does not display a school district parking permit in full view on each vehicle that is parked on school premises, the vehicle may be towed at the owner's expense. The parking permits used in the district hang from the rear view mirror.
  6. Students may not enter the student parking lot or a car during the school day without Administrative permission. 
  7. Students must only park in their assigned space.
  8. If someone is parked in your spot, get the license plate number/picture and send it to Mr. Bryan ( along with your spot number. Do not park in another students spot, park in the 'visitor' spots in front of the main office with your parking tag visible.
  1. Students will not be allowed to sell or swap their registered parking space with another student. Both students will be referred to administration.
  2. Students who drive recklessly or receive a total of (3) Category 1 referrals are susceptible to a loss of parking privileges.
  3. Students with more than (5) tardies to their first scheduled class may have their parking pass revoked for the remainder of the semester.
  4. Students who use his/her vehicle to cut class may have his/her parking pass suspended or    permanently revoked.
Student Signature: If you have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the Irmo High School and the District Five Student Parking Agreements for the 24-25 School Year (attached above), please type your name below. *Typing your name serves as an electronic signature* *
Parent/Guardian Signature: *Typing your name serves as an electronic signature*

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