Research Assistance
If you are interested in working with me (e.g., in my Research Lab or as the Graduate Quantitative Methods Fellow), please fill out the form below.
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What is your name? *
Last name, first name
What is your major/department? *
Select from the list below
What is your GPA? *
If you are a political science PhD student (or have a political science PhD), which subfields did you take your comprehensive exams in? *
Check all that apply
How familiar are you with various computational software and languages? *
Please mark your level of familiarity below
No knowledge
R statistical software (or S)
Stata statistical software
Python programming language
Perl programming language
PHP programming language
C++ programming language
Java programming language
SQL database
Non-SQL databases
Regular expression patterns (regex)
Excel spreadsheets
How familiar are you with various quantitative methodologies? *
Please mark your level of familiarity below
No knowledge
Time series analysis
Social network analysis
Event history / duration models
Panel data models
Bayesian analysis
Causal inference
Content analysis
Please describe any other skills or experience you have that may be relevant to a position as a research assistant. *
Don't be shy or humble! Feel free to describe your research interests and how the Fellowship or working in the Lab may be of help to you. Hint: it is easier to write your response in your preferred document editor and then copy and paste it into the form below.
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