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Request Form for: Chrome Book Extension, iPad App, or iBook
Use this form to request ChromeBook Extensions, ChromeBook Plug Ins, iPad applications and iPad iBooks for approval. One request per form.
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Email *
Teacher or Staff Member Name: *
Type the name of the teacher or staff member requesting the ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook.
ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook? *
Name of ChromeBook Extension, iPad application, or iPad iBook: *
Type the name exactly as it appears.
Name of the company that created the ChromeBook Extension, iPad application, or iPad iBook: *
This will help us make sure we purchase the correct application, extension or plug in.
Price of the ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook (price per copy): *
Brief description of educational use of ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook: *
Number of Student Copies
Fill this section out if this ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook is to be installed on student devices.
Grade Level Copies:
Select the grade level or student device that this ChromeBook Extension, iPad application, or iPad iBook should be purchased for. Be specific and account for all students.
Other Student Copies:
Use this field if the ChromeBook Extension, iPad application, or iPad iBook is for multiple students but not an entire grade level.
Number of Staff Copies
Fill this section out if this ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook is to be installed on teacher or staff member devices.
Number of Teacher or Staff Member copies: *
How many copies of the ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook are needed for teachers or staff members?
Teacher or Staff member Names: *
List all teacher or staff member who will need a copy of this ChromeBook Extension, ChromeBook Plug In, iPad application or iPad iBook. The number of names must match the number you selected in the previous question.
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