CS102 incoming survey
This is a quick survey to help me understand your background and interests.
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Please enter your first and last name, as it appears in the LIU system. *
Is there a nickname that you'd prefer to be called?
Have you done any computer programming before?
If so, in what programming language?
How COMFORTABLE are you with the idea of computer programming? *
Apprehensive / Fearful
Very comfortable
How EXCITED are you by the idea of computer programming? *
Ho-hum, boring.
This is going to be AMAZING!
On what sort of device do you intend to do most of your work for this course? *
Check all that apply
Are you willing and able to bring a device from the previous question with you to class? *
Please tell me about any interests or hobbies you have, apart from computing. *
What motivates you? *
What do you hope to get out of this course? *
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