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Swift Heroes 2019 Sponsor Feedback Form
Please let us know your feedback about your participation at Swift Heroes. The more feedback we have the more we can improve future editions of the conference for everyone.
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1. Please rate the quality of the topics and speakers on the agenda
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2. Please rate the quality of the venue
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3. Please rate the quality of the overall organisation of the event
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4. Please let us know what you would like us to improve about the pre-event activity for you as a sponsor.
5. Please let us know what you would like us to improve about the on-site activity for you as a sponsor.
6. Please let us know any other feedback that can help us improve future editions of Swift Heroes
7. Please provide a testimonial about your experience as a sponsor at Swift Heroes
8. What topics would you like to see covered on next year's Swift Heroes agenda?
9. Who would you like to hear from on next year's Swift Heroes agenda?
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