Collapse: Chapter 2-3 Reading Quiz
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What geographic shape is Easter Island most similar to?
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What South American country is closest to Easter Island?
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Traditional Easter Island society consisted of what two groups?
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According to oral traditions preserved by islanders, and archaeological surveys, Easter Island's land surface was divided into __________ territories.
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What is the Polynesian term for Easter Island's giant stone statues?
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Which natural resource did the Easter Islanders use to the point of complete extinction?
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The H.M.S. Bounty fled to this island in 1790.
Why did the mutineers on the H.M.S. Bounty choose this island?
Answer the question using a complete sentence.
The societies that formed on the islands of Pitcarn, Henderson, and Mangareva relied heavily on what type of economy?
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Based on what you have read from chapter 2 or 3. Explain in your own words why the two societies collapsed.
Be as specific as possible.
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