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GirlForward Volunteer Tutor Application
GirlForward is a community of support dedicated to creating and enhancing opportunities for girls who have been displaced globally by conflict and persecution.  

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer tutor! Tutors work with girls in high school and in college who identify as refugees and immigrants. The program begins on Tuesday, September 3rd is held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Virtual tutoring sessions are from 3:30-5pm or 5-6:30pm. In-person tutoring sessions are from 3:30-6:30pm. Tutors help with homework, test prep, college applications,  English and also support our drop-in program: Safe Spaces. Tutors are required to commit to at least one regular shift per week, but can volunteer for more if interested. The required training will be announced in the coming weeks. While we strongly encourage attending the live session, a make-up option will be provide. 

Please fill out the application below. If selected to move forward, you will be contacted regarding next steps including a phone interview, training, and background and reference check. Background checks cost $10 and is typically at a cost to the applicant (financial assistance may be available). 

Minimum requirements:
  • 18 years old or older
  • Able to commit to tutoring 1 session per week 
Contact Education Program Manager, Zahra, at with any questions or concerns. 
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Why is the GirlForward mission (above) important to you and what sparked your interest to work with our community? *
Tell us about yourself! *
Please select the answer that describes you best *
If working, please tell us a bit about your job such as industry, role, and what you love about it! *
If a student, what is your major and what classes do you enjoy most? *
What subjects are you really excited to help girls with? And why? (ie. math, science, english etc. ) *
Please describe the details of any experience you have working with immigrants, refugees, young people, and/or learners of English. *
Have you ever tutored in a formal capacity? *
Are you comfortable tutoring college-level subjects? *
What do you think responsible allyship looks like in our community of girls in the current climate? *
We have numerous tutoring opportunities available at GirlForward and below is a list of them all!  Please select all possible tutoring opportunities you are interested in. Based on your interest and availability you may be assigned a specific shift. *
Are you vaccinated and willing to tutor in person at our Chicago headquarters? *
When would you be able to start? *
How long do you plan on tutoring with us? *
If you chose other, please explain *
Please list all languages that you can speak or understand. *
Do you have any cool hobbies or passions that you might want to share with girls during a workshop? *
Please list two references (one personal and one professional). Include a phone number and/or email address.  *
Thank you for applying!
You will hear back from us in the near future. Good luck!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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