Visiting Great River School
Thank you for your interest in Great River School!  We offer three ways for you to visit to learn more about the school: parent education evenings, school tours (during the day), and student shadowing.

(1) Parent Education Evening - We have scheduled four upcoming Parent Education Evenings.  These evenings are for current and prospective parents and provide an opportunity for you to see the school and learn more about our educational program.  Each evening will focus on a different topic, but the general schedule will be as follows:

   5:00pm - 6:00pm       Student led tours of the school
   6:00pm - 6:20pm       Brief overview of the topic
   6:20pm - 7:15pm       Visit classrooms
   7:15pm - 7:30pm       Social time and opportunity to ask questions

(2)  School Tours - in November through March, we will hold school tours during the school day on Thursday mornings from 9:00am - 10:00am.  Tours will be lead by a Great River School Ambassador and will include classroom visits.  You will also have an opportunity to meet with Sam O'Brien, Head of School, to get any questions you may have answered.

(3) Student Shadowing - If your prospective student (for grades 7-12) is interested in spending a school day (or partial day) shadowing a current Great River School student, we will be happy to schedule that visit.  Our school day begins at 8:30am and ends at 3:10pm.  We ask that you tell us a few days that you would be interested in setting up a shadow day.  If you are interested in having your child shadow a Great River Student for a day, please provide three dates below that may work.  We will contact you to set the date and time.  We cannot accommodate any 7th or 8th grade visitors in January, due to the A1 J-term schedule, but we'd be happy to have them join us in February.

Please fill out this form to let us know you are planning to visit.  Feel free to do just one or all three options.  Please note that this does not serve your application to Great River School.  If you are interested in beginning the enrollment process, visit the enrollment page of the Great River School website to learn how to apply. If you have any questions, please contact our School Systems Manager, Stacey Kreger, at
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Parent Name *
Who will be attending an event?
Student Name(s) *
What is the name of the prospective student(s)?
Parent Email *
Please give us your email address so we can contact you if necessary.
Number of people who will be attending *
Please give us some idea of how many (adults and students) are coming.
Grade level/s you are interested in for next year. *
What grade/s will your student/s be in next year?
Parent Education Evening *
Please let us know which Parent Education Evening you are interested in attending.  Please sign up no later than the Monday prior to the event you plan on attending so that we have an opportunity to send you information before hand.
School Tour (during the day) *
Please let us know what day you want to come for a tour on beginning at 9am.
Student Shadowing Option 1
Student Shadowing Option 2
Student Shadowing Option 3
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