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Idea and Story Submission Form
Submit* as many ideas as you'd like. Think of a few more a week later? Come back and share more!

And at the end of this form we have invited anyone to share a short, sweet story of an act of kindness that was shown to them that made them feel cared for - please feel free to share yours - it only helps the campaign for caring.

Thank you!

*Submission is not guaranteed to be posted, due to volume and variety of submissions.
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First name: *
Last name: *
Email address *
Place of work or industry:
Submit* your cost-free idea(s) to show you care for your community whether it be for a stranger, a neighbor, a friend, a coworker, friends or family, environment, etc.

*Submission is not guaranteed to be posted, due to volume and variety of submissions.
If we post your submission, how may we credit your idea?
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Do you have a story of a simple act of kindness someone did for or showed you that made you feel cared for? Please share!
If we share your story, how would you like it credited?
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