Exhibition or Artist Talk Proposal
Please submit clear, complete answers. Pointing to your website is not sufficient.

For Exhibitions:
Resident Arts seeks proposals for the exhibition of artwork by emerging artists. We are especially interested in: marginalized artists, artists whose work addresses social issues, collaborative work, experimental work, edgy and subversive aesthetics.

Curators are invited to submit complete exhibitions proposals or concepts. Individual artists are invited to submit proposals for solo exhibitions or to be considered for  group exhibitions.

For Artist Talks:
Resident Arts seeks proposals from local, regional or national emerging and established artists for the critical presentation of their work to the public.  We are especially interested in presenting the work of artists whose work is otherwise underrepresented in Columbia’s arts scene.

Artists should submit a concept for their artist lecture as well as samples of relevant work, and an artist statement, bio, and required honorarium amount if any applies.

Proposals for artist talks that compliment proposed exhibitions will be given priority.

For Both:
Relevant work samples should be submitted via email with the Subject of the email stating the type of proposal you are submitting  (Exhibition or Artist Talk) and your Name. Ex: Exhibition, John Doe. Please title your work samples to clearly tie them to the list of supporting documents you provide at the end of this proposal.

Send questions and work samples to: Madeleine at madeleine@residentarts.org or 573.303.7195

No deadlines, proposals are reviewed as they are received.

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