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Kasiya Governor (Magistrate) Application Form.
An application form for the Taldryan Republic Magistrate to the Consul Form.
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Email *
Character Name(s)? *
How many Ewoks could an Ewok punt if an Ewok could punt Ewoks?
This particular Magistrate position serves fictionally as the Governor of Port Kasiya, the Taldryan Republic's capital city.  What Lore ideas and concepts do you have for Kasiya and Taldryan going forward? *
What RP/story ideas do you have for Taldryan going forward? *
What would your character's leadership style be as Kasiya's Governor?
Why are YOU the best person for the job? *
What do you believe are you biggest strengths and weaknesses as a leader? *
Is there anything else you believe would help your application? If so, feel free to specify below!
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