The Computer Class ICT (Computer) Survey
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1) Do you own/rent a computer/ICT Device/Smart phone? *
If No, would you like to?
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3) Are you able to access the internet? *
4) How do you access the internet (Which device(s) do you use)?
5) Where do you access the internet (Location)?
6) Do  you consider yourself to be digitally excluded (unable to use an ICT device (Computer (Mac/PC), Mobile Phone, Smart Phone, Ebook, Portable Tablet, MP3 player), due to a good reason e.g. No Internet, Don't know how to use an ICT device, Computer Training Too Expensive etc.)?
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7) Why?
8) Do you communicate with family & friends electronically? *
9) What would you like to do on your ICT device? *
10) What would you most like to be able to do, but currently are unable to do so on a computer/ICT device? *
11) How would you describe your ICT (Computer etc) skills? *
12) Would you consider yourself to be ICT (Computer) proficient?
13) Would you consider undertaking ICT training in the Bitterne Park area or somewhere closer to where you are based? *
14) Where would you like to attend the training? *
15) What type of training would you prefer? *
16) When would you like to receive the training? *
17) Which day(s) of the week would you prefer to receive the training?
18) How much would you be prepared to pay for ICT (Computer etc) training per hour?
19) How much would you be prepared to pay for ICT (Computer etc) training per 3 hour workshop session?
20) Would you be prepared to pay for a block booking if a discount were offered? *
21) Do you perceive there to be a need in this area/your locality for ICT device (Computer etc) training?
22) Do you have any other comments to make about the provision of ICT Computer tuition in your community?
23)  Would you like to stay in touch/abreast of any developments, if so please enter any contact details you are happy to share with me and a contact name?
24) Which area of Southampton are you based?
25) Which Age Bracket do you fall into?
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26) What is your gender
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27) How would you describe your ethnicity?
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