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Couleur Café 2019 - (R) -  Dossier de sélection
At Couleur Café, we believe in providing our public with a food experience they can not forget, whether helping their taste buds travel to exotic destinations or offering people a unique experience.

What does that entail ?

- Eco-friendly festival - no plastics nor non biodegradable material is tolerated, which also means a preference for vegan, Bio, local, slow-food  HOME-MADE have our preference.

- Tents or foodtrucks welcome - we are looking for 40/45 options for this new edition.

- Fries, waffles, churros, frozen foods, granitas, cotton candy, panini's, non homemade hot-dogs or hamburgers, ... unfortunately this is not the right festival for you.

- To our cocktail/mocktail friends - please redirect your inquiry to

Please include pictures of your foodstall, ( food, staff and stall), your definite menu* (items and price,) - no variation is authorised.

Selection is based on a  number of elements, if you have an incomplete file, your candidature will not be treated, and considered as not selected.

*We reserve the right to ask adaptations to your menu - this will be asked as part of your acceptation process.

All prices are VAT excluded.
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Email *
Tell us about you. How will you contribute to the festival's search for a unique food experience ? Why should the festival choose you ? Answers can be done in your mother tongue. *
Languages(s) *
Billing information
Please complete the following information so you can be invoiced at the end of the festival.
Name of Organisation (to be invoiced) *
Billing address (Street + N°) *
Billing Adress: Postal Code *
Billing Adress : City *
Billing Adress : Country *
VAT number and/or VAT IntraCommunautaire  VALID (please send us the appropriate documentation for the European VAT number) *
Valid Website, Facebook page
Contact person
Please complete  the information, regarding the person who will be in charge on site.
Family Name *
First Name *
Telephone number (please indicate as following e.g. 32 2 345 67 67 or 32 477 567 567) *
Type of Stall *
If Food truck, please indicate the size of your foodtruck ( please indicate as well the length of your opening to sell)
Your offering
Please indicate EVERY item you would like to propose and the price. - if too complicated, please send us a .doc or .xls doc with your prices.

What we are looking for : natural,  homemade, international, preferably organic meals, with an environmental friendly approach and attitude serving dishes only on biodegradable material.

Please take into account the trends : gluten free, lactose free, vegan and offer at least 1 vegetarian meal. A stall where  the decoration is cared for.

Type of food  (e.g vegan, peru, brazil, ...) *
Will you propose  : *
Menu -  Please list every item that you will propose, any item that has not been previously approuved can be removed on site from your menu. *
Stall dimensions needed *
Extra electricity needed. ( Price 320€ HTVA). If you have a refrigerated vehicle, in 2019, they can be in the back of your stand, need to be discreet and the electricity needs to be counted for. *
Extra passes ( Price in 2018, 85€)
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What Type of Camping, if any will you be doing ? *
IF YES, for camping passes, please indicate how many ?
IF YES, for camping passes, and tent camping, please let us know how many tents ?
IBAN Bank account Number - please indicate your bank account number for deposit reimbursement purposes. *
Terms et conditions 2019
Please read our terms and conditions, before signing.Please note that the terms and conditions are those for 2018, if changes occur for 2019, we will let you know.
Terms in FRENCH :
Terms in ENGLISH:
Termes and conditions *
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