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RUSH Application
The completion of this form speaks to your interest in joining our Greek Community. This does not promise membership or even the guarantee that an organization will hold a recruitment, rush, or intake process.

This form does give us the right to retrieve your Student ID photo to pass to organizations to familiarize names with faces prior to their process.  Additionally, you must sign a FERPA release in the Office of Residence Life and Greek Affairs in order to be offered membership.
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General Information
Gender *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Your complete middle name; If you do not have one, enter "n/a".
Last Name *
Date of Birth* *
MM/DD/YYYY (Example: 01/02/2013)
Home Address *
Please include your address, city, state/province, and postal code
Cell Phone *
Ex. 6154442562; Do not include dashes or parentheses
Email Address *
All correspondence to the applicant will be sent to this address.
Status with the University *
Are you a legacy? A legacy means you are the brother or sister, son or daughter, or grandson or granddaughter of a fraternity or sorority member. Each (inter)national organization has its own policy regarding legacies. *
If yes, please indicate which organization(s)
High School Attended *
Please include name of school attended, city, and state/province located
Previous University Attended
If a transfer, please include name of previous institution attended, city, and state/province located
List any scholastic honors you may have received at your high school or previous institution: *
List any activities or organizations you have previously been or are currently involved with; please explain type (church related, community service, etc.) *
Notice regarding Greek organizations, membership, and your personal information
As stated in the policies for Greek Affairs, any student seeking involvement with a Greek organization must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5. This will be checked by the Director of Greek Affairs through the Cumberland University CAMS Data system.

If your GPA does not meet this requirement, the Director of Greek Affairs will notify you that you are unable to participate in recruitment activities for academic reasons. No Greek organization will be notified. Additionally, some Greek organizations have higher grade point average requirements or standards than the 2.5.

Unless a student has a signed FERPA Agreement explicitly stating the Director of Greek Affairs has the right to distribute his/her academic record, no information can be supplied to any Greek organization’s national office, alumnae chapters, campus chapter, or any chapter officer or member.

A Greek organization may choose not to offer a bid to an individual based on missing academic information because that information assists them in determining a prospective new member’s alignment with the requirements/standards of the organization.

Any student who is concerned about this process or the privacy of their information is encouraged to contact the Director of Greek Affairs at with any questions, concerns, or comments.
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