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Birth to 19 Apprenticeship Academy Application 
Looking for an apprenticeship?

Please fill in the form below.
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Which Apprenticeship are you applying for?  *
Have you completed or are you currently completing an apprenticeship?  *
If you answered yes to the previous question please give details of your previous apprenticeship.  If no please leave blank. 
Full Name  *
Date of birth  *
Home address   *
Email address  *
Phone Number  *
Have you lived in the UK for the last 3 years? 

At interview you will need to provide proof of UK residence.  
Nationality  *
Residential Status  *
Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background? *
Please list your Maths, English and Science qualifications at A Level or GCSE (if you have not received these yet please input predicted grades). *
Are you able to provide proof of your achievements e.g. certificates?   *
Learner support

Do you consider yourself to have a learning difficulty and/or disability including access need and/or health problem?

Do you have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?

These are issued by the Local Education Authority and replace the Statement of Educational Needs (SEN)

We will work with you to ensure you have all the individual help you need to do well.
Where did you find out about us? *
Do you already work in an early years setting/school? (don't worry if you don't, we will help you find one) *
If you are already working or volunteering in an education setting, have you spoken to your employer about the apprenticeship, and are they happy to support your application?  *
Name, address, phone and email of Employer 

Birth to 19 Apprenticeship Academy is committed to keeping your personal data safe and will act within the latest legislation regarding data protection (General Data Protection Regulation). The data that we collected in this form is used to process and assess your application to  Birth to 19 Apprenticeship Academy or for any other legitimate reasons such as compliance with relevant legislation. All data will be stored securely and retained in line with the our Data Protection Policy. We only share this data with your previous school where detailed in your application or where we have a fair and legitimate reason to do so. For learners who will be aged 14-18 at the start of their course we will share your data with your parents/carers, previous school and your local authority.
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Este formulário foi criado em St Edmund’s Nursery School and Children’s Centre. Denunciar abuso