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Trenton Educational Wall of Fame
Nomination Form

Note: All applications will be considered for five (5) years by the Trenton Educational Wall of Fame Selection Committee. Nominations may be resubmitted if not accepted in the five-year period.   
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Mission Statement
The mission of the Trenton Educational Wall of Fame Committee is to recognize individuals, groups, couples or businesses who have made significant and lasting contributions to the quality of education in the City of Trenton and THS graduates who have distinguished themselves in their profession. Selection to the Wall of Fame serves as a public thank-you to those individuals, groups, couples or businesses and serves as a model for others to follow. 

Candidates consist of Trenton Public School graduates and non-graduates. 

1. Trenton High School Graduates 
  • The nominee may have contributed to their chosen profession through outstanding individual performance or leadership, literary and/or professional publications or recognized success in particular field of work. 
  • The nominee may have contributed time, effort and/or money for a project to benefit the Trenton area or the community in which they now reside without thought of compensation. 

2. Non-Trenton High School Graduates 
  • The nominee may have made significant contributions to the Trenton Public Schools, Educational system and/or consideration given to what they have done to benefit Trenton Students. 
  • The nominee may have served as a School Board member, school administrator, teacher, other school employee and/or volunteer. 

Nominee Exclusions for the Wall of Fame 
  1. Nominee cannot be a current employee of Trenton Public Schools 
  2. Nominee cannot be currently serving as a Board of Education member. 
  3. Nominee cannot be currently serving as a Board of Director on the Trenton Educational Foundation 
  4. Nominee cannot be currently serving on the Wall of Fame Selection Committee. 
  5. All of the above (#1-4) shall have been out of their position/office for a period of at least two years before being eligible for nomination and selection to the Wall of Fame. 

Applications for the Trenton Educational Wall of Fame will be accepted annually through Sept. 1st of each year.  All applications will be considered for five (5) review periods.  If the nomination is not approved after that period, a new nomination form must be submitted.  

Please request nomination printable forms from the Trenton Board of Education or Trenton Educational Foundation Office, 2603 Charlton Rd, Trenton, MI 48183 or our website  if you do not want to use this form or an electronic form.
Trenton Educational Wall of Fame Selection Committee
 The selection committee will be monitored by the Trenton Educational Foundation Board. 

  • The committee will consist of nine members: three (3) Trenton Public school employees or School Board members appointed by the School Board; three (3) Educational Foundation members (TEF)appointed by the Foundation Board; and three (3) members of the community appointed by the selection committee. Vacancies for community members will be filled based on a majority vote of the remaining members of the selection committee. 
  • A quorum (five out of nine) must be present to select inductees for the Wall of Fame 
  • To be selected to the Wall of Fame, it will be necessary to receive a minimum of five votes or two-thirds of the vote from a committee quorum whichever is greater. 
  •  Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 1st of the year they are to be considered. 
  •  The inductees will be announced at the Foundation’s annual Signature Event or other event as determined by the committee. 
  •  A plaque will be placed in the Trenton High School lobby to recognize the inductees. 
  • A maximum of three individuals will be inducted in any year. 
  •  Nominees will remain on the ballot for five years. Candidates removed after the five-year period may be renominated at any time. 
  •  If a Wall of Fame nominee is immediate family of a Selection committee member, that committee member will abstain from voting for that candidate. The two-thirds total votes needed would be adjusted accordingly. Trenton   
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