Personal Touch Catering & Special Events
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Quality of our Food
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Variety of Food
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Buffet or Stationary Setup (if applies)
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Ease of Placing Orders
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Knowledge & Attitude of Person Taking Your Order
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Attitude of Wait Staff (if applies)
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Attitude of Delivery Person
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Overall Experience
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Did we create the experience that you had envisioned?
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Did we leave your venue in a pristine manner?
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Did we provide more value than you expected?
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Would you recommend us to a friend or coworker?
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What was your favorite part of the meal?
Corporate Responses: How often do you have breakfasts/luncheons?
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Do you have one of our menus?
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Do you know that we are a special events company?
Would you use us for your own personal catering?
Additional Comments about your experience
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