ECY: eTwinning at school(s)
All the ECY students are going to express their opinions on their experience on eTwinning during the Erasmus+ project ECY and on the place eTwinning must have at school in the future.
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Was it your first project on eTwinning? *
What is your country? *
Did you find the Twinspace easy to use? *
very easy
According to you, what are the main advantage(s) of eTwinning? *
What type of activities did you prefer on eTwinning? *
How often have you connected or worked on the Twinspace during the project? *
In your opinion, can eTwinning motivate students for their school work? *
Explain *
Has eTwinning motivated you for your school work? *
In comparison to traditional lessons, would you say that working on eTwinning is: *
no difference
more efficient
Explain: *
Have you improved your English thanks to the activities on eTwinning?
A lot
Clear selection
Explain *
Has the collaboration on eTwinning helped you open up to new cultures and new people? *
Yes, a lot
Do you think that eTwinning projects must be compulsory in every school of Europe in the future? *
Explain *
Would you love to work thanks to eTwinning again? *
Not at all
Yes, a lot
Your name: *
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