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Tell us why you'd like to take part in this year's We Are Here programme

We Are Here is a free 5-day skills and confidence building programme for young care-experienced people. The programme is run by Curve (a leadership training consultancy). It will take place in London in the last week of November. On the programme, you’ll learn about collaboration, creative leadership, finding mentors and building connections, developing resilience and setting goals. You will also discover how to use your voice and tell your story, and practise sharing your ideas when working as a team by co-creating a We Are Here Zine that we will print and you will get to keep. 

The coaches and facilitators at Curve ( will lead the programme. You will also get to work with mentors with expertise in design, writing, public speaking, wellbeing, social activism and entrepreneurship.

Your place on the course is free and lunch and refreshments will be provided for the full 5 days. We have 12 places available on this year's programme, but we'll be offering digital coaching sessions to anyone who applies but doesn't get a place.

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Email *
What's your name? *
Thanks! And how did you hear about We Are Here? *
How are you currently spending your time (for example are you employed, interning, caring for a relative, taking time out, part of an educational course)? *
What does "collaboration" mean to you? *
Why do you want to participate in We Are Here? *
Can you commit to attending every day between November 27th - December 1st, between 10.00am - 4.00pm? (We'll provide breakfast and lunch each day) *
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