Financing New Ventures 2014
Mondays, April 14th - June 2nd, 5:30 - 7:30pm (Weekly) | Mission Bay UCSF

Financing New Ventures is an eight week survey of the financing landscape for life science/healthcare ventures.  We will explore the range of options to get your venture funded ranging from SBIR grants to seed funding, angel funding, venture capital and alternative sources of capital. There will be a session on finance basics, valuation, term sheets and a review of the content for a business plan and investor pitch. Co-taught by Adjunct Professors Stephanie Marrus, Director of the Entrepreneurship Center and Naeem Zafar, UC Berkeley/UCSF, the course will include invited speakers from the business community in Silicon Valley.  This is a non-credit course and is open to Berkeley, Stanford and life science businesses.


$0 UCSF faculty and students  

$75 UCSF Post docs
           UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruiz, Stanford faculty & students, $0 revenue startup

$150  Non-faculty researcher at UCSF, Berkeley, Stanford, National Labs
          UCSF staff
          QB3 resident company

$300 Startup with revenue of $500K or less
         QB3 Startup in a Box
        Service Providers, Consultants

$500 Employed by a corporation with revenue over $500K.

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Are you currently working on a venture: *
If yes, what kind of funding have you raised? *
i.e. SBIR, seed, Angel, grants none
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