Despite being a Republican, CJ Rush is soft on crime and violates property rights of citizens while discriminating against disabled people. She does not enforce the Constitution; she protects her friends.
She is part of the Republican Party's dictatorship over the State of Indiana. Her friends populate the federal courts and the 7th Circuit is overwhelmingly Republican, as is the U.S. Supreme Court. The abuses below are ultimately the fault of the voters who put these people in office.
If you don't like a
1-party dictatorship that abuses its powers, STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN. You can start down that path by rejecting the retention of Loretta Rush and voting for a Democrat for governor to replace her in 2024.
Rush is the worst chief justice of any state and her vicelike grip on the Indiana Supreme Court should serve as an example of a state supreme court
totally insulated against positive reforms.
This page created by
Andrew U. D. Straw on 5/23/2024: