Trans Activity Day
Saturday 11am-4pm, 12th September, Meadowbank Sports Centre, Hall 2, 139-143 London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6AE

Build your confidence, get active, meet new people and try a range of activities at this inclusive and informal afternoon of fun and socialising for the trans community.  With support from Edinburgh Leisure we are providing a relaxed social space where you can try out the following:

- Table tennis (available throughout)
- Badminton (available throughout)
- Fitness equipment (available throughout)
- Sh'bam taster session (12-12.45)
- Beginners Yoga (TBC but mostly likely 3-3.45)

Dress comfortably.  Cold refreshments and snacks provided.  Free!
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How many people are you booking for? *
How many of your party are under 16? *
The venue will be fully accessible.  Please use this space to let us know anything about you, that may be helpful for us to know e.g. physical or mental health condition
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