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Bear Valley Trails - Email Sign-Up  
If you are interested in being "in The Know" about news, events and trail work days relating to the BEAR VALLEY TRAIL STEWARDS  organization, this is the place to sign up for more information.

* REST ASSURED:  Your personal information will only be used by BVTS.ORG for sending you local news pertaining to BVTS.  It will not be used for any other purpose without your permission or given or sold to any third-party vendors.  You may remove your information at anytime by sending an email to with the word REMOVE in the subject line.
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Bear Valley Trail Stewards                       BEARVALLEYTRAILS.ORG
Last Name *
First Name *
I would like to be informed about:
I consider myself a:
Comments or further request for information or optional phone number for faster contact
Thank you for your interest                      BEARVALLEYTRAILS.ORG
We appreciate your support.  You should be hearing from us soon!
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