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MELT Dance | Sensual Edition
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Sunday August 27th at Tango Berretin 

6305 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 97206 

  • 6:30PM Doors Open 
  • 6:45PM Arrive For Class & Check In 
  • 7:00PM Sensual Dance 101 Class Starts 
  • 12:00AM Dirty Dance Videoshoot (stay til the end of the dance if you want to be in the video) 


Note: you will receive $5 cash back at the door to keep or give to platonic healing fairies.

  • Volunteers get in 100% free for 60 minutes of volunteering! Please volunteer!
  • $40 with lesson ($35 after we give you $5 cash back at the door) 
  • $25 without lesson ($20 after we give you $5 cash back at the door) 
  • If you're not taking the lesson, you'll need a reference (and we will check with them) 
  • Couples or polycules dancing exclusively together (date night!) don't need the class 

Are you interested in volunteering for 60min for 100% FREE ADMISSION? (up to $35 value!)
Summary of Safety and Culture of Care
This is an 18+, alcohol-free, consent-centric LGBTQIA2S+ friendly, BIPOC-friendly, social empathy event. Ask before touching anybody, ask before escalating any touch. You are welcome to dance sensually with people who consent to that with you. 

Seriously, though, Read Our Rules.

We have a simple discomfort policy. Those who make others uncomfortable may be warned or asked to leave (with a refund if they comply politely). Please tell a staff member if anyone's behavior feels uncomfortable so we can help take care of you and possibly coach the other person or remove them for their mutual benefit. Thanks for keeping this a safe(r) space! 

Covid Risk Awareness Notes: 
No masks required 
No cards required 
No tests required 

We care about your needs. Need a fancy P100 mask to feel safe? Ask us about mask reimbursement! 
Did you really read the Rules?
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Love Codes & Volunteer Opportunities 
Limit 1 love code per registration. 

Use Code "VOLUNTEER" to register at full price and we will refund you in full if you show up on time 
SAVE $20 with TABLE if you can bring a massage table and sheets 
SAVE $10 with FIRST TIME, BIPOC, COLLEGE, or DISTANCE (40 miles or further from Portland) 
Love Code discount (if any)
Please Select Which Price Option You Want

Don't forget to pay:
Who told you about this event or how else did you discover it? (Required) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Zipcode *
Email *
Phone *
Instagram Username (Optional)
I certify my age (18+ event with some 21+ treats)
All The Legal Things (You Must Click "I Agree" Below):

Liability Waiver:
I agree that I am responsible for my own emotional and physical wellbeing and behaviors at this event and I release Daniel Oliver and the event's venue, producers, organizers, instructors, guest contractors, performers, staff, volunteers, marketers, promoters, and attendees from all liabilities for harms or personal injuries incurred as a result of my participation.

Public Health Release:
I agree and understand that the liability waiver I agreed to above also includes COVID-19 and all other communicable diseases.

Photo & Video Release:
I agree not to record, video, or photo other people unless authorized by Daniel Oliver. I agree that a memory fairy (photographer) may take one-off photos of me to use in marketing. I may ask for the photos of me and ask me if they can give those photos to Daniel Oliver as a permanent marketing asset. I agree that a few songs may be dedicated to memory / photography making for marketing, and designating a large section of the dancefloor as a content creation for marketing space. These content creation sessions will be announced, and I can wait in the lounge area when this happens to opt out. 

No Solicitations Policy: 
I agree and understand this event was made possible through sponsorships and partnerships with other people and businesses in the community and I will not solicit attendees for anything other than providing therapeutic/healing services. If I want my own events to be promoted by MELT Dance I will email Daniel Oliver using for sponsor/partner information.

Data & Privacy Policy: 
We will send you email invites to our events that you can unsubscribe from at any time. We may also text you a pre-event reminder and post-event feedback form. The ticketing system(s) we use may have their own marketing that it sends out as well. 

Vetting System For This Semi-Open Event:
This is an semi-open event, which we feel will help welcome newcomers to the community. This means we won't be vetting attendees aside from a single reference or intro class requirement, unless they have documented disqualifying behaviors from incidents onsite at our events without completing follow-up training, therapy, and/or coaching required for restored access. However, acknowledging the vulnerabilities of this publicly open event, you may be asked to leave at any time if anyone onsite says they're uncomfortable with you being there. In that case, you're welcome to request a full refund if you leave calmly and promptly. Future events we produce *might* have a privately vetted format. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and we can make exceptions to this policy and disallow you to attend by notifying you either before or during the event. Please note that restricted or revoked access to this event may not come with an explanation, in order to protect the privacy and legal vulnerabilities of the event and those who wish to attend. By agreeing below, I understand and consent to the access protocols of this event, I will not assume that anybody in attendance has been vetted by anyone else, and I will not assume anyone's social status or friendships among attendees present is a reliable indicator of their safety as a person at the event, and even more so outside of the event. 
I believe feedback is good and I will receive feedback and give feedback to others to help my community grow and I will strive to not get defensive and have empathy for others
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Yes please use photos of me in the foreground to help promote future events in all the ways you can!  *
Social media companies are limiting our ability to reach you. Email is the best way and saves us up to $300 per event on ads so we can reinvest that into the quality of the event! 
Friendly Reminder to Pre-pay
Pay via venmo @PortlandDance

Full refunds will be issued for those who cancel at least 24 hours in advance. With less than 24 hours notice, you forfeit your ticket. 

Please pay $25 for dance-only or $40 for the 90min class + dance

You will receive $5 cash back at the door to keep or give to platonic healing fairies.
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