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Uptown Franklin Bus 2024-25
Please fill out this online form to register for the Uptown Bus. The cost for the year is $1605 per rider. Please see our FAQ at the BFHSLA.Org website for more details.

Submit your initial payment at this time to hold your seat.  Full payment is due by July 1st.

You will receive an automated email confirmation upon successful Submit. 
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Email Address
Parent 1 First Name *
Parent 1 Last Name *
Parent 1 Email Address *
Parent 1 Phone *
Parent 2 First Name
Parent 2 Last Name
Parent 2 Email Address
Parent 2 Phone Number
Home Address - Street *
Home Address - City
Home Address - Zip Code
Home street address 2 (If different from above and needed for creation of an alternate stop)
Check all that apply:
Grade Entering *
By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Ridership Agreement *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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