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Initial Client Questionnaire
This application will take around 10-15 to complete, please input with the most up-to-date information possible.

Completion of this application form is to begin coaching with myself. Once finished I will contact you with further details regarding services where then we will conduct our initial consultation. Confidentiality will be guaranteed and maintained at all times.

Please find below my 5 step process which I will use when signing up a new client. This is to ensure your plan are of the highest quality when you receive them.

The process is as follows:
1. Complete and submit this questionnaire form
2. Receive a welcome/information pack
3. Arrange a consultation call
4. Finalise details and an onboarding questionnaire
5. Receive plans by the agree date, along with a full video walkthrough explanation .
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Email *
Personal and Contact Information
Mobile Number *
Age: *
Weight (KG) *
Height (CM) *
Gender: *
Instagram Handle:*
Training Experience: *
Current Goal: *
Can you expand on your current goal in more detail? Both Short and Long Term... *
What gym do you current train at? *
Current Training Set up: E.g. Training Split, Frequency * *
Current Nutritional Set up: E.g. Macros, meal plan, calorie counting? *
What Are You Currently Doing In Life E.g. Work, hobbies etc *
Are You Prepared To Track Data Via Spreadsheets, Food app (Macros/Calories), Sleep Tracking? * *
Location *
Do You Have Any Injuries, Any Health Problems I Should Be Aware Of? *
How would you prefer to be contacted? *
Where Did You Hear About My Coaching? * *
Do You Have Any Questions For Me? *
By completing this form,  you are giving consent to receive the online coaching information pack and any potential subsequent  marketing communications *
What Next?List/video of gym equipment available for training...Current physique shots send through to me on whatsapp at 07958195523 or
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