Registration IWCN Expert session - International workforce management

Together with three senior advisors from the business world, IWCN will help you prepare for a more international workforce and make it easier to find, hire and keep international staff.


14:30 Doors open 

15:00 IWCN: Introduction, explanation of support provided by the expat center and how to find the new employees you need quickly

15:30 Holland Employment Experts: How to hire a highly-skilled migrant

16:00 HLB Nannen: Tax incentives and the 30% tax ruling

16:30 Pallas Employment Lawyers: International employment law and human resource management

17:00 Question and answer session over drinks   

17:30 End of programme

During a casual borrel following the formal conclusion of the session, IWCN representatives and our expert guests will be available and more than happy to answer any questions you may have. 

We look forward to seeing you at IWCN in Groningen!

more information about the Experts:

Registration closes 23 March 23:59
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Thank you for registering! We are looking forward to meeting you on the 30th of March!
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