Thank you for your enquiry regarding an application for your child’s possible enrolment at Thorntree Preparatory School.
Please be advised that an Application for Enrolment does not constitute a guarantee that your child will be accepted at Thorntree Preparatory School.
We urge all applicants to also apply at alternative schools, in case this application is not successful.
All applications are subject to the following considerations and are at the discretion of the Head:
1) Availability of space in the applicable Grade
2) Writing of an entrance test (Grade RR to Grade 7)
3) Meeting the financial requirements of a Credit Check
4) Payment of a once-off non-refundable Application Fee of R500
The following documents must be emailed to or hard copies submitted with the application.
The copies MUST be clear and either in JPG or PDF format.
• A copy of the child’s birth certificate
• A copy of the Parent / Guardian’s Identity Document
• A copy of the child’s latest school report (if applicable)
• Proof of payment of registration fee (Reference is "Surname - Application Fee")
All information captured on the Application Form will be treated under the school's POPI and data privacy policies.