Discourse Completion Test  of Speech Acts Request and Apology:
This survey is directed towards MA Saudi students majoring in English language inside and outside Saudi Arabia.

Dear Respondent,

Thank you very much for giving up some of your time. This test will take only 15 minutes. Please read the following descriptions of situations . Imagine yourself in the situations below and try to react as spontaneously as possible (don’t think or over think about them). In the space provided, write down what you would say in these situations. Try to write the exact words you would use. Thanks for your cooperation.

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 Situation One states (You have a nice meal in a public restaurant; and now it is time to ask the waiter to prepare your bill. What would you say
Situation Two states, (You want your younger brother to fetch some bread from the near-by bakery. What would you say to him?).
Situation Three: (You are taking a taxi to the city center. Then suddenly you observe that the taxi driver is over-speeding and driving rather recklessly. What would you say to him?)
Situation Four states: (You missed an important lecture yesterday, and you want to borrow your friend Ali's or Alan's notebook for a day so as to copy what you have missed. What would you say?)
Situation Five states: (You want your neighbor to give you a lift to the hospital. You want to visit another neighbor who has been in hospital for a while. What would you say?)
Situation Six states: (You urgently need some money to buy a very important reference book. You want to borrow this money from a friend. What would you say?)
Situation Seven states: (You want to request Professor Adams who teaches you research methodology to spend the next session reviewing for the exam because you and your classmates have some specific points that need explanation. What would you say to the Professor?)
Situation Eight states: (You want to ask the director of your graduate  program to write you a recommendation letter. How would you approach him?)
Situation Nine states: (You want to request the head of your department to let  you leave work early because you have an appointment with your family  doctor. What would you say to him/her?)
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