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RABBLE Online Training Course Final Exam
You will need to score over 80% on this exam in order to pass and become a Rabble instructor.
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In dodgeball gauntlet, every time you throw a dodgeball what must you do? *
1 point
In Island tag, you need to first tell the players that the aim is to avoid the shark and to be the last swimmer surviving, then tell Jessica that she will be the shark to start. *
1 point
Rabble's core values are: *
3 points
The Rabble session structure is *
1 point
Why do we run ball games and chase games in each session? *
1 point
It's important to ask players whether they have any injuries before the session starts? *
1 point
When do we use the acronym PASDE? *
1 point
What is the best way to deliver the Defend rules? *
1 point
Why should you keep an eye on new players? *
1 point
When should you use the phrase 'this game is the same as before but...' *
1 point
You've just finished explaining dodgeball gauntlet and you have a lot of questions from participants - what does this mean?
1 point
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MISTA is an acronym used for what? *
1 point
When playing Netsketball on a small indoor pitch, how do you plan on ensuring all of your 20 players get a good workout? *
1 point
What would be the best situation to use a tagging point below? *
1 point
You're playing Dodgeball gauntlet with 22 players and the attacking team only scored 9 points - what change might you need to make? *
1 point
What is dead-time? *
1 point
Which of the following are ways to reduce dead time? *
3 points
How do you know whether your players are getting a good enough workout? *
1 point
During the game what communication is important? *
1 point
You should be constantly talking through the session? *
1 point
You're playing the Hunger Games and two players are arguing over whether a player was tagged or not. What should you do? *
1 point
You notice that one team in Netsketball has scored no points each round. What should you do? *
1 point
In the Hunger Games, you notice that barely any teams are scoring points - what change do you need to make? *
1 point
In Circular Dodgeball when does the game end? *
1 point
When do you use PERM? *
1 point
When should you complete the preparation phase of PERM? *
1 point
What does MISTA stand for? *
1 point
If a player is not moving during the game, what should you do first? *
1 point
You have just ended round 2 of the Hunger games, what should you do next? *
1 point
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