"8th Annual Europe Week" 2-6 March 2015 Yaşar University (Izmir/Turkey)
Please fill this form only for yourself including your family members or partner/friends.
If your colleague (s) will join you to attend the event as to teach, do presentation or even as only participant, he/she is requested to register separately.

Deadline: January 15, 2015
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Name *
Surname *
E-Mail *
Phone/Mobile Number *
Please include your country code( eg: +90 232 4XX XX XX)
Home Institution *
Faculty/Department *
Type of Mobility *
Title of your Lecture
Topic of Your Presentation
If your visit is within staff mobility
Would you like to have a special meeting with one of our colleagues?
If "Yes"; Request a meeting with a relevant person at;
I would specifically prefer to discuss on (please indicate your study field)
I want to meet Erasmus students of my school or my country to get feedbacks
Travel Details
Date of Arrival *
eg: 01.03.2015
Date of Departure *
eg: 07.03.2015
Flight Details (If determined)
Hotel Details
I stay with the group at İzmir Palas Hotel
Room Type (If you stay at Izmir Palas Hotel)
The prices are per room and includes breakfast and VAT. 1 Euro is about 2.8 Turkish Lira (October 2014)
Number of Nights
Number of Person
Total Price in TL
Any notes you want to add about your hotel details?
Please recommend us what you prefer to do as a cultural activity or any visit request?
We can help you to organize a additional tour programme, rent a car or recommend you a travel agency
Additional Comment/Requests
Yaşar University will also organize a conference titled "A New Generation of Education in Europe: From Distance Learning to Virtual Mobility" on 4th of March, 2015 within the dates of the 8th Europe Week. Main themes of the conference are distance education, virtual learning and education in Europe (You may have more information by www.ubicamp.eu/conference). Participation of all Europe Week guests will be provided to this conference. Would you like to present a paper for this conference? If yes, please write your paper topic and title below.
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