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DDM Golf Registration
August 27, 2024
Monarch Beach Golf Links
12:00 PM - Registration & Lunch
1:00 PM - Tee Times Begin
Contact: Mike Wunderli,

Note: The deadline for Golf Registration is August 15.  Registrations entered on or after August 15 will require confirmation from the event sponsor.
Email *
Full Name *
Company *
Title *
Have you registered for DDM 2024? *
List other golfers you would like to be grouped with, if any.   Note: Groupings are not guaranteed.
Golf Experience *
Please select your lunch wrap: *
Note: Golf clubs will be available for rent at the course the day of the golf event.

If you have additional questions regarding this event, please ask below or contact: 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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