AfroCROWD Wikipedia Training the Trainers Registration
Afro Free Culture Crowdsourcing Wikimedia (AfroCROWD) is a new initiative which seeks to increase the number of people of African Descent who actively partake in the Wikimedia and free knowledge, culture and software movements. The workshops are open to all Afrodescendants including but not limited to individuals who self-identify as African, African-American, Afro-Latino, Biracial, Black, Black-American, Caribbean, Garifuna, Haitian or West Indian.

Our kickoff took place at the Brooklyn Public Library on February 7th and 8th. Our second event was HaitiCROWD on March 14th. We held AfrolatinoCROWD on April 12th and AfricaCROWD on May 31st.

Though many articles have been improved and created through these events, we would like to provide more advanced Wikipedia training at this event.

The training will last 4 hours and will take place at the Brooklyn Public Library on June 20 from 10 to 3PM.

Training the Trainers participants will be provided with mentorship through Wikimedia NYC. They will have the unique opportunity to shape and pioneer the future of Afrodescendant participation in Wikimedia and free culture crowdsourcing.

(Please note that there will be a MOMA/Black Lunch Table beginner workshop on July 13 at the MOMA from  6 to 8 PM.)

Please REGISTER below:

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What is your name?
What is your email address?
What is your phone number?
Why are you interested in Wikipedia?
What is your experience with Wikipedia? If you have edited it in the past, please provide your username.
Are you interested in helping AfroCROWD in its future trainings or in generating Afrocrowd related activities. Please elaborate.
If applicable, how do you think Afrocrowd Training the Trainers will benefit you?
(Optional) Please submit a résumé or  visual timeline of your experience highlighting any social media, Information & Communication Technology, Wikipedia or other relevant experience.
Please list links to websites, social media pages or other online assets that you founded, administer or designed. Please email any file that cannot fit here or special arrangements you may need to show us your work to
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