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Summer 2024- Weights and Conditioning.  Welcome to ALL athletes

Who: All boys and girls athletes are welcome to attend.  The strength and conditioning program will be designed to improve athletes in all AMS sports.

What if I don’t play football?  There are two sessions, one with a football emphasis and one for strength and agility training for any sport you do play.  Fundamentals taught in this strength and conditioning plan will carry over for basketball, wrestling, track, volleyball, and cross country, or any other sport. 

What is the program?

The first session will focus on conditioning and agility drills along with football fundamentals and our team’s basic offensive and defensive schemes.  Our goal is to introduce (or reintroduce) our team philosophy and to start the team building process.  Athletes will receive training from the Anthony Football Coaches. 

The second session is designed to help with athletic strength, speed, and agility with all sports. This session will be tailored at each athlete’s ability and provide a safe place to work on improving each week and work on team building activities.

When and Where:       

 Monday – Thursday

 June 2nd – June 28th and July 14th – August 2nd

You do not have to be able to attend every date in order to register!

What time:          

 FOOTBALL session:   7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

 ALL-SPORT session:  9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

What to wear and bring?: Gym shorts, t-shirt, sneakers, and a water bottle.

How much does it cost and how do I register? 

The cost will be $95 dollars and will include a t-shirt for your athlete.  If you have any questions about the price of the camp please reach out to Joshua Runyan by email at or call the AMS school at 785-587-2890. 

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Email *
Preferred Session for Conditioning  *
Athlete Name *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian email: *
Parent Cell Phone Number: *
Athlete Grade: 2024/2025 School Year *
T-shirt Size *
Are there any Conditions of the athlete we should be aware of that might affect activities? *
Medical Insurance Carrier:
Medical Insurance Group #:

Waiver and Release of Liability

 In consideration for my child, ______________________________, being allowed to participate in the AMS Summer 2024 Workout Program, it is agreed that all risks attendant to watching and/or participating in camp activities, including, but not limited to bodily injury, are assumed by the camper and his/her parents and/or legal guardian as indicated by the signature hereto. I hereby certify that the above named camper is physically able to participate in the camp and that I know of no physical impairments which would in any manner limit his/her participation in the program.I, for myself, and on behalf of my child, hereby release, waive and discharge Jacob Stroda, the other camp instructors, agents and employees from every claim, liability or demand of any kind sustained, whether caused by the negligence of the coaches/instructors or otherwise. This release shall be binding upon any heirs, administrators, executors and assigns of mine. I further agree to indemnify all coaches from any loss, liability, damage or cost it may incur due to my participation in said activity in any way. I also certify that I am the legal parent or guardian of the above named camper and have full right to provide this release. In the event of illness or injury resulting or arising directly or indirectly out of said activity, I hereby give my consent and authorization for (1) the administration of emergency first aid care and treatment at the scene of an emergency by faculty, staff members or (2) the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by a licensed physician or dentist and (3) the transfer to any hospital reasonably accessible. Physical activity, by its very nature, carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injury. By signing the wavier set forth below you are acknowledging these risks as well as other potential risks are associated with physical activity and specifically associated the sport of football. I am aware of the risks, hazards and inherent dangers that may arise due to my child’s participation in the AMS Summer  2024 Workout Program.  By submitting your signature below, you are not only accepting the terms of the authorization and waiver of liability set forth above your signature also indicates that you have read the camp brochure in its entirety.

Please Print Parent or Guardian Name and Todays Date below to agree. 

Permission for Social Media

The camper listed above has my permission to be seen on social media.  I agree to the use of my child's image, video, voice to be used to promote or represent the school District, news media and School district websites and social media pages. I agree to release and hold harmless the school District of USD 383, board of Education, agents, officers, contractors, volunteers, and employees from and against any an all claims, demands, actions, complaints, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of, or be caused by the use of the campers captured image. By leaving this blank, students image and achievements relating to camp will not be shared. 
Payable Options $95 *
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