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Locating Slavery's Legacies questionnaire
Thanks for responding. Please provide the information below to share your interest in the LSLdb project.
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Your name
Your institution and location
Contact information (email address and telephone number)
Your title and position as they relate to the LSLdb
Please describe your level of interest in participating in the pilot phase of the LSLdb project.
Has your institution already conducted research into Civil War- and/or slavery-related memorialization on your campus? Please briefly describe and include relevant links.
Please describe your interest in the LSLdb. Would you be interested in embedding the project into your course(s)?
Tell us briefly about your campus and its memorials in relation to 1) the political, military, or cultural/religious campaign to preserve and/or expand slavery in the United States; 2) the formation and political and military operations of the Confederacy during the period of secession and Civil War; 3) the legislative and/or extra-legal efforts to preserve or enhance white supremacy and enshrine the “Lost Cause” in the century after emancipation; and 4) the Civil Rights campaigns emerging most visibly in the period during and after World War II and through the 1970s.
In which term during academic year 2023-2024 would you and/or your colleagues be able to participate in the LSLdb project?
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Are there others at your institution who also are interested in working with the LSL database project? If so, please include their name, title, and email.
What questions do you have for us? And thank you for reaching out to us.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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