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Risk Profile
Please answer the questions on the risk profile after reading carefully ALL the information on the Myers Capital Management Website about the questions.
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Range of Typical Returns For Various Risk Profiles:  1/1/1990 - 12/31/2021
During any 12-month period, returns on portfolios with exposure to the stock market can vary dramatically (see chart above). Given this variability and your initial investment of $100,000, please select the typical range of potential gains and losses with which you are most comfortable.  Make sure you read the information and charts posted on my website before answering this question! *
How much could your investments decline, with no relief in sight, before you sold all or most of your investments in stocks? *
Even if you have very little confidence in your forecast, pick your best guess at the most likely return for the stock marketover the next 12 months. *
How old are you? *
If you expect to withdraw a significant portion (at least 1/3) of your account for any purpose (e.g. a new house, children’seducation, a boat, etc.) other than retirement spending, when is it likely to be? *
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