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Window Room TV - interest form
Window Room TV makes virtual space for artists and activists to present work, experiment, organize, and converse. Through this project we explore virtual collectivity, open-curating models, and liveness/aliveness. The project is set up to continually morph as we reflect, learn, and break the platform.

If you are interested in participating in this project, please fill out this form.
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Your name + pronouns *
How would you like to be involved with Window Room TV? *
Please describe what you would like to show or do on Window Room TV (performance, workshop, curated show, tutorial, variety show, showing video, reading, gardening, curation, making PSAs ... ) *
Would you like to do a recurring show or a one time show? *
How would you like to communicate with us? *
Depending on your preferred communication method, please provide your phone number or email address *
What are your ideal dates+times for this to be scheduled? We will let you know if this works, or else will be in contact to find another date that works. *
Your social media or website link
What is the best way for people to donate to you directly? Please provide your preferred platform and link (example: venmo @cherry-cherry-cherry)
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