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Dataharvest 2021 Evaluation
Dataharvest 2021 has come to an end. Please let us know what you have enjoyed, what you think could have been better and which suggestions you have for the future!
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Your name (optional)
What did you like most about Dataharvest 2021? *
Which constructive criticism is most important for you to give us? *
Did you attend (tick all that apply): *
There were a total of 58 sessions. How many did you attend?
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Most sessions were 75 minutes long. Did you find this:
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What times were suitable for you?
very suitable
somewhat suitable
not suitable
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Content: I would have liked more sessions on
Content: I would have liked fewer sessions on
Thanks for your answers! We hope to see you face-to-face at Dataharvest 2022!
Suggestions for Dataharvest 2022? Find our proposals form at!
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