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DC Area Social Club Interest
We're organizing a club to bring together singles in the DC Area. If you're interested in joining in for social events to get to know other singles in the area, please fill out this form so we can notify you when events happen. Looking forward to meeting you in and around DC!

Please help us spread the words too by sharing this with your friends in the DC Area. Thank you!!!
Name *
Gender *
Email *
Phone number (digits only, no space or dash) *
College name *
Year you graduated undergrad (yyyy) *
Any graduate degree and year?
Current occupation *
Would you be interested in serving as a volunteer for the club? *
Any suggestions for activities or venues
Terms and Conditions:

1. The validity of membership is the total discretion of the club.
2. Members agree to join the club's Facebook group within two weeks.
3. Members agree to treat each other with respect and dignity.
5. Members agree to share their contact information with other club members and coordinators.
6. Members agree to not to disclose  other club members' contact information to non-members without members' consent.
7. The club can evoke or cancel membership at any time if failed to follow rules given by the club.
8. There is no membership fee at the present time.
9. The club is authorized to change, modify or amend the rules any time without prior consent of the members.
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