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FCTEW- Idea Submission Form
This Idea Design Competition is for Teachers and Students of Beneficary university
The participants are requested to design innovative ideas and projects that address thematic areas such as, critical thinking, economic empowerment and inclusion, women empowerment, combatting gender-based violence and strengthening women voices.
The winners of the competition will be given seed money to develop, organize and execute social action projects to foster critical thinking and promote young women's networking in academia, women's social mobility to enhance their economic opportunities, professional capacity-building training and community engagement.
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Email *
Name of the applicant *
Name of University *
Category of participant: *
Name of the company/startup *
Thematic area: *
How did you find out about the competition
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Business model *
Explain the idea and the problem your startup is trying to solve. Share from where/which events did you get the inspiration for it? (word limit: 150) *
Explain the objective of your idea along with its core offerings and probable outputs. (word limit: 200) *
Explain what is your product (software, technology, intervention, design, research, prototype etc.), its distinct features & advantages. Additionally give details of the product’s offerings.(word limit: 150) *
Explain main points your idea/product primarily address. What current issues and challenges of society/sector/lifestyle your idea address? What is your idea’s approach to solve these issues? (word limit:150) *
Explain your business model. How does/will your venture make money? (word limit: 200) *
Describe your Market & Consumer. Explain the market for your product, current pricing, category of consumer, growth trends. (world limit: 100) *
Explain your competitor products (Give specific Product/Company). Which major barriers will you face entering the market and how do you plan to overcome these barriers. (word limit: 150) *
What are the social/environmental co-benefits that your venture can generate, if any? (word limit: 50) *
Explain your idea’s marketing and social media visibility plan. (word limit: 100) *
What are you looking for? (Investment, Mentorship etc.) *
How do you plan to use the seed money. Present a break down. (Note: Seed funding cap is 60,000 PKR for students and 120,000 PKR for teachers) *
Please share the Idea timeline for next 6 months *
Name of Member 1 *
Title (e.g. "CEO", "Founder") *
Email address *
Contact number *
Name of Member 2 (if any)
Email address
Contact number
Name of Member 3 (if any)
Email address
Contact number
Do you wish to let us know some additional information that might help your selection.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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