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Grow Your Intelligence
The Difference Between Smart and Dumb
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Many people believe that you are born either ________, _________, or ____________, and that it stays that way for life. *
Place commas between your answers!  
This is not true because research shows that the brain is like a __________.
When you exercise your brain by learning new things, your brain gets _________, and you get ____________. *
Inside your brain are billions of nerve cells called _________. *
These cells have branches connecting them to other cells. When you learn new things, these  tiny connections ________________ and get ________________. *
The more you challenge yourself, the more your brain cells __________.   *
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It's important that we stimulate our brains. With this in mind, describe how the brain cells of animals living alone differ from animals living in a more challenging environment. *
Learning causes ______________changes in the brain. *
_____________ is the key to growing the brain.   *
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According to the text (and research!), what is the real difference between "smart" and "dumb?" *
Why do many people miss out on the chance to grow a stronger brain? *
Do you feel you are one of these people?  Why or why not? *
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