Bitcoin Survey
Dear questioned one! I can not describe with words, how grateful I am, that you came here to help me. Please answer the following question with a few words or sentences. Thank you! :)
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Do you find Bitcoin useful? *
How many bitcoins do you have?
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How did you get your bitcoins? You can choose more options not just one.
What are the advantages of Bitcoin in your opinion? Just list them.
What are the disadvantages of Bitcoin in your opinion? Just list them.
What is the biggest advantage of Bitcoin in your opinion? Why? Explain it a little, please!
What is the biggest disadvantage of Bitcoin in your opinion? Why? Explain it a little, please!
Do you use any other cryptocurrency (such as Litecoin, Dogecoin, Nxt)? If yes, which one?
If you use any other cryptocurrency, what do you think, what are the advantages of that compared to Bitcoin?
Is Bitcoin viable on the long run?
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In the future what kind of parts do you think Bitcoin can fill? What can be the realistic purposes of Bitcoin?
Can you imagine a future where every people use Bitcoin?
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Can you imagine a future where your country uses Bitcoin as the national currency instead of the current one?
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What should change in the world or in what should Bitcoin develop, to achieve its goals in the future?
Are you excited about the future of Bitcoin? About what can it achieve?
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Do you support the evolution of a decentralized form of money?
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When can Bitcoin achieve its goals? How many years from now?
If you are excited about the results of this survey you can add your email adress and I will send it to you.
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