GDE Program Terms & Conditions: 2022-2025

Last update: May 15, 2023 3:45 PM

Congratulations on being selected to join the Google Developer Experts program!

We are excited to have you join the program and are looking forward to collaborating closely with you. Note that GDE status is only valid for 1 year and it will be reviewed yearly based on your activity level and engagement.

Please read through the following list of do's and don'ts. Before you officially join the program and receive the Experts badge, you will need to complete the form below and agree to the following terms and conditions of the Experts Program. We will use any information that you provide to us in connection with the Experts Program in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy []


- violate the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement you have signed with Google;
- make any untrue statements or representations about Google or any of Google's products or services;
- make any statements on behalf of Google or any Google company. You should ensure that any opinions you express are clearly stated as being your own and not those of Google;
- make any statements or representations in the course of your activities as an Expert that are in Google's sole opinion misleading, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to Google;
- misrepresent the purpose of the Experts program, how the program functions or your role as an Expert;
- claim to be an active Expert if you are no longer a member of the program;
- claim expenses from Google for any activity that did not create positive impact for Google developers; or
- favor candidates or Experts with whom you have personal relationships during reviews and evaluations for membership of the Experts Program.


- to be an engaged participant of the Experts Program and proactively log all your development and evangelism related activities in the tracking tool provided by Google for analysis purposes;
- to participate in nominating, evaluating and reviewing other Experts and candidates to the Experts program;
- to use the GDE Program Badge only in accordance with the Experts Badge Use Guidelines
- that Google may immediately remove any Experts from the Experts program at its sole discretion; and
- that you will not be acting as an employee of any Google entity in participating in the Experts program;
- that as a participant in the Experts program, you will not  be entitled to any compensation, options, stock or other rights or benefits accorded to Google employees; and you waive any right to them and promise never to claim them.
- to let Google use any information that you provide to us in connection with the Experts Program in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy [] and you agree that we may display any information that you provide to us on the public website.
- to follow our community Code of Conduct guidelines []
- to receive emails regarding the GDE program, including communication about your participation in the program and about Google products relevant to your GDE expertise, opportunities from key program partners related to your participation in the program, and invitations to take part in Google events, meetings, feedback and other activities related to the program.
- to be directly added to the mailing lists dedicated for all Experts and corresponding to your category of expertise.
- for your personal data to be shared with Worktrips sp. z o o, owner of, for the purpose of receiving an invitation to create an account on platform to be able to book travel related to your membership in the program.

Thank you,
Google Developer Relations
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