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Survey: Geocomputation and Machine Learning for Environmental Applications Course - 2022
13 responses
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Overall how would you rate the course?
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Did the training meet your expectations?
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How does this course compare to other courses of any kind that you have taken before?
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Do you see any scope for using Open Source tools in your current or future jobs?
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Will your future work benefit from the use of these tools?
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Do you think the training was well-adapted with respect to your needs, skills and knowledge level?
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Are you able to independently use and learn more about the following?
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Do you feel sufficiently equipped to model your own studies with the theoretical material and concepts taught in each of the sections below? Compare yourself now versus prior to attending the course.
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Are there topics or application examples that you have struggled with during the course? If yes, please list these below.
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Would you like to see more emphasis on any particular part of the course?
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Would you like to see presented examples of other statistical analyses / algorithms? Please list your preferences.
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Were the trainers clear in their instruction and well-prepared?
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Was the trainers' supervision during the coding exercises satisfactory?
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With hindsight, would you have preferred a 2 month (online) + 2 week (workshop) format?
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Would you have preferred lectures once per week, instead of twice, as currently offered? This would mean a longer total duration of the course but allow more time to assimilate each week's material.
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What did you most like about the course?
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What did you least like about the course?
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Any suggestions on the improvement of course materials?
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Would you recommend this training program to others?
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Are you affiliated with / do you know of organisations that may be interested in such training? We’d be grateful if you could share a few words about them
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Finally, how did you find out about this course?
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