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Exchange Visitor Departure Survey
Please answer the following questions regarding your experiences at Colorado State University.  
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What was your J-1 exchange visitor category?
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How long were you an exchange visitor at Colorado State University?
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Did you have any J-2 dependents here with you?
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Pre-Arrival and Orientation
Please choose statement below that best describes your opinions about your pre-arrival and orientation experience.
The pre-arrival information included with my DS-2019 packet helped me prepare for my time in the U.S.
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The international scholar orientation helped me to understand my immigration documents and immigration status.
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The international scholar orientation helped me to understand cultural programming opportunities in Fort Collins and at CSU.
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Explain your answers to the above questions.
What additional information would have been useful to you before you arrived in the U.S.?
Academic and Professional
Please choose the statement below that best describes your opinions about your academic and professional experience at CSU.
I adjusted well to CSU academically and professionally.
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My academic and professional experience at CSU met my expectations.
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The time I spent at CSU will benefit me in my future career.
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Explain your answers to the above questions.
What was the biggest challenge you faced in your academic and professional experience at CSU?
What was the most rewarding part of your academic and professional experience at CSU?
Programming and Culture
Please choose the statement below that best describes your opinion about your programming and cultural experiences in the U.S.
I adjusted well to U.S. culture.
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I understand U.S. customs and culture.
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My cultural background was respected in the U.S.
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I had opportunities to share my culture with Americans.
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I made meaningful connections with Americans during my time here.
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Explain your answers to the above questions.
What were some cultural or social programs in which you participated while you were here?
Life in the U.S.
Please choose the statement below that best describes your opinions about your time in the U.S. beyond CSU and your academic department.
I was satisfied in my overall life in the U.S.
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I was able to find the resources I needed in my daily life in the U.S. (such as grocery stores, hospitals, etc.)
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My English language skills were good enough for me to function in my daily life in the U.S.
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Explain your answers to the above questions.
If you had J-2 dependents who were in the U.S. with you, please provide any comments about their experiences here (positive or negative).
Please answer the following questions.  Your answers will help International Student and Scholar Services better serve our future J-1 Exchange Visitors.
What is one thing you wish you had known before you arrived in the U.S.?
Do you have any suggestions for additional ways that International Student and Scholar Services could support our J-1 exchange visitor population?
Returning Home
As an Exchange Visitor program alumnus, we hope that you will find ways to share U.S. culture with people in your home country after you return.  If you have already thought of some ways you will do this, please share them here:
Please list any additional comments regarding your exchange visit at Colorado State University.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey!
Visit the U.S. Department of State's International Exchange Alumni website here:
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