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Post-Event Survey 
Thank you for participating in the AI + Education Symposium. Please take about 5-10 minutes to share with us your experience. 
This survey is completely optional and anonymous. Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) in your responses. Any PII that could identify you will be removed before the aggregated results are shared or made public.
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How would you best describe yourself?
Which of the following topics in AI + Education interest you? (select all that apply)  *
Have your interests in AI in Education changed since attending the event? Please explain.  *
Which of the following topics in AI + Education concern you? (select all that apply)  *
Have your concerns in AI in Education changed since attending the event? Please explain.  *
Overall, how would you rate the success of the symposium in regard to our goals:  *
1 (not at all sucessfull)
3 (neutral)
5 (very successful)
Cultivating curiosity
Encouraging Creative Thought
Building an engaged community with positive influence in the integration of AI into education
Do you feel that this symposium should be an annual event showcasing emerging technology in education? *
Did you like the timing of this event (last week of September)? Note: We intentionally chose the weekend before NY EdTech week. *
If no, when would you like this event to take place instead?
Please rate your experience with real-time polling.  *
Very Negative
Very Positive
Please explain.
Would you like to remain on the invite list for this event next year? *
Please use the space below for additional comments or suggestions on how to improve the event in the future.
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