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Confirmations 2025 St. Peter's & Ravenswell

Please complete this form. It's the first step in registering your child for Confirmation.
When you have done so, we will invite you to attend a meeting in the parish to complete the registration.

Please bring the following to the meeting:
 - the 30 euro registration fee and
 - a copy of your child's BAPTISM CERTIFICATION

The information you provide on this Form will be used to register your child's Confirmation and to complete the parish Confirmation Register which is a permanent record. It will not be shared with any other person or organisation. This registration form will be destroyed after the Confirmation ceremony has taken place.

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Confirmation year *
Your child's First Name *
Your child's Surname *

SCHOOL your child attends
Who is your child's TEACHER *
Your child's Date of Birth *
Name the Church where your child was BAPTISED *
Postal address of the Church of Baptism
IF baptised OUTSIDE of Ireland, please enter the postal address of the Church of Baptism

Mother's first name and Maiden name
Your father's first name and surname *
Your Postal Address *
Your phone number *
Your Email Address *
Please ensure that it's accurate!
Would you like to be a part of a Parents' Group? *
The group will plan the monthly preparatory Masses and arrange for the pupils/parents to participate
Do you consent to have your child brought to the Church/Parish Centre as part of the Confirmation preparation programme during this school year? *
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