Strongly Agree
Tend to Agree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Tend to Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I am interested in increasing my knowledge of the benefits of wetlands
It is important that an ancient water meadow is restored to encourage nature regeneration with a wetland reserve
I am interested in finding out more about the ancient water meadow, its history and planned renovation to a wetland reserve
An opportunity to be included in walks and talks at the site is important
I am interested in finding out more about the local water environment and the benefits the wetland will provide
I am interested in improving the health of the local environment
I am interested in increasing my knowledge about sustainable environmental projects
It is important to volunteer in this project
An Education & Information Centre on the site would be a valuable benefit to the community and wider area
A project such as a wetland reserve will benefit the community and wider area
It is important that natural flood defences, which this project would provide, be used wherever possible