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There and Back Again - D&D Discord Community
TTRPG Community Application
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Are you at least 18 years of age? *
What is your Discord Username? (Please ensure spelling is correct and you are able to receive requests, this is how we will reach out to you!) *
What are your pronouns? *
What is the Classes of Characters would you be interested in playing within the Community? *
Select the Party Roles you tend to fulfill. *
Tell us about your experience/origins as a Dungeons & Dragons player. *
This League operates within the Dungeons & Dragons 5E system. Are you okay with playing under this rule set? *
Can you commit to meeting once a week for Game Sessions once you are a confirmed member of a League Campaign? *
If the answer to the previous question was "No, I cannot," please explain your reasoning for consideration. Otherwise, write N/A. *
Select all of the following which best describe you as a D&D player. *
Are you all right with playing D&D Game Sessions over Roll20 and Discord with your party members and DM? *
If the answer to the previous question was "No, I cannot," please explain your reasoning for consideration. Otherwise, write N/A. *
Select the option(s) that best describe you. *
As a Discord Community member, how active would you consider yourself as a whole? *
Our Community runs Polls regularly to cater to the interests of its members to give them more of the things they want. Would you regularly vote in these polls to contribute to the community, knowing your vote is meaningful every time? *
If the answer to the previous question was "No," please explain your reasoning for consideration. Otherwise, write N/A. *
Are you applying to this community to join as a Player, or to apply as a Community Dungeon Master; or both? *
Do you have interest in eventually advancing to an Admin/Mod Role within the Community to further assist with its management and development? (Note, this response will not hinder your aptitude to join. This is solely a data point for us.) *
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